
Hello, Real World…

So I missed my  March post…


Well anyway, happy spring! It’s starting to get warm outside, slowly but surely, and the semester is almost over–which also means that I’m about to graduate.

This realization hits me every once in a while and it’s terrifying and awesome at the same time. Here are some reasons graduation is both things at once.

1. I’m about to be on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll probably still live with my parents for a while, but after I get enough money saved up to live on my own and pay rent and all that, I’ll be moving out–and possibly moving to another state or, possibly, another country.

2. I’ve got to find a full-time job. As you can probably tell by that sentence, I don’t actually have a job yet. I mean, I have a part-time job, but it’s definitely not going to cut it if I want to move out someday [which I do]. I need a career, or at the very least a job to hold me till I find a career. Working 15 hours a week at a department store isn’t quite capable of something like that.

3. I’ll be done with school. I can’t wait to be done with classes. Even though I’m going to miss the people I’ve met over these past four years more than I can say, I can’t wait to not have homework due every day and have to sit through two-hour classes on subjects that don’t interest me [gen-eds…really…]. It will be nice to be able to pick the books I want to read on my own, spend time with friends outside of the classroom, possibly sleep in every once in a while, that sort of thing.

4. I get to be my own person. I’m not saying I’m not me right now, but I definitely do some things based on the people I’m with, the classes I’m in, and the grades I want. I want to choose to spend a few days visiting my family without having to make up tests and papers. I want to travel without having to come back to loads of homework. It will be nice to be independent from the education system for the first time since I was too young to talk. It’s time to start forming my own opinions–and voicing them without fear of being shut down by a classmate or teacher.

Well, there you have it. Four excellent reasons college graduations are awesome and terrifying. Four reasons I’m ready and totally not to be on my own out in the real world.

And, in the words of Owl City’s Adam Young, “Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn’t want to live there.”

One thought on “Hello, Real World…

  1. Stepping out into the big world can be scary but liberating at the same time. No more training wheels. Just remember you’re going to fall a bunch of times trying to stand on your own. It’s all part of the process.

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